Modu­lar Scho­ol for the Town of De Klin­ge, Belgium

06. 09. 2013 | News

Via the com­pa­ny Jan Snel KOMA has sup­plied ano­ther modu­lar scho­ol, this time to the Bel­gi­an town of De Klin­ge. The De Bron scho­ol first add­res­sed the mis­sing capa­ci­ty with a con­ta­i­ner structu­re, which was dismant­led and repla­ced by the new modu­lar scho­ol of per­ma­nent natu­re. The extensi­on con­sis­ting of seven modu­les con­ta­ins two clas­sro­oms, and sic­kbay and spe­ech the­ra­py rooms. The buil­ding with ven­ti­la­ted faça­de by Deceu­ninck and fire resistan­ce of RF 60 com­plies with requi­re­ments for insu­lati­on and air tight­ness of buil­ding accor­ding to EPB stan­dards. You can read the reviews of the scho­ol con­structi­on pub­lished by the Bel­gi­an newspa­per Gazet Van Antwer­pen” here.