Uhříněves has a new modular school - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Uhří­ně­ves has a new modu­lar school

13. 09. 2013 | News

As expec­ted, the con­sequen­ces of baby­bo­om have been shif­ting from nur­se­ry scho­ols to the ele­men­ta­ry ones. Respon­si­ble repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Pra­gue 22 - Uhří­ně­ves have sol­ved the shor­tage of clas­sro­oms by a modu­lar con­structi­on of 4 clas­sro­oms. The who­le con­structi­on was rea­li­zed during holi­day so that on the first scho­ol day both tea­chers and the muni­ci­pa­li­ty repre­sen­ta­ti­ves could wel­co­me new scho­ol­chil­dren. The clas­sro­oms are spa­ci­ous, bright and meet all hygi­e­nic requi­re­ments inclu­ding the requi­red sound insu­lati­on between nei­ghbou­ring clas­sro­oms and inclu­ding the requi­red hei­ght of cei­lings that is necessa­ry for this type of scho­ol buil­dings. The clas­sro­oms lack nei­ther chan­ging rooms for chil­dren nor toi­lets, inclu­ding toi­lets for whe­el­chair users. We built the scho­ol in coo­pe­rati­on with Pra­dast, a con­structi­on com­pa­ny that carried out all finishing work on the shell con­structi­on that we had made. The who­le modu­lar buil­ding is pro­vi­ded with heat insu­lar sys­tem with a plas­ter so that the buil­ding fits in the scho­ol area that was built in the past using the tra­di­ti­o­nal man­ner of con­structi­on. The buil­ding is situa­ted at a pla­ce which lac­ked access roads for mani­pu­lati­on tech­no­lo­gy. We sol­ved this pro­blem smart­ly using mobi­le roads that were quick­ly disas­sem­bled after the modu­les had been deli­ve­red and the cra­ne work finished. The four-clas­sro­om scho­ol was built accor­ding to an archi­tec­to­nic design by Czech Deve­lop archi­tec­to­nic stu­dio and accor­ding to a pro­ject docu­men­tati­on pre­pa­red by AXON stu­dio. Incre­a­sin­g­ly more pro­ject archi­tects make use of the indispu­table advan­tages of modu­lar con­structi­on. Only coo­pe­rati­on with archi­tects and designers can give rise to modu­lar con­structi­ons that are tas­te­ful and that fit in the envi­ron­ment in which they are realized.