Uhříněves has a new modular school
13. 09. 2013 | News
As expected, the consequences of babyboom have been shifting from nursery schools to the elementary ones. Responsible representatives of the Municipality of Prague 22 - Uhříněves have solved the shortage of classrooms by a modular construction of 4 classrooms. The whole construction was realized during holiday so that on the first school day both teachers and the municipality representatives could welcome new schoolchildren. The classrooms are spacious, bright and meet all hygienic requirements including the required sound insulation between neighbouring classrooms and including the required height of ceilings that is necessary for this type of school buildings. The classrooms lack neither changing rooms for children nor toilets, including toilets for wheelchair users. We built the school in cooperation with Pradast, a construction company that carried out all finishing work on the shell construction that we had made. The whole modular building is provided with heat insular system with a plaster so that the building fits in the school area that was built in the past using the traditional manner of construction. The building is situated at a place which lacked access roads for manipulation technology. We solved this problem smartly using mobile roads that were quickly disassembled after the modules had been delivered and the crane work finished. The four-classroom school was built according to an architectonic design by Czech Develop architectonic studio and according to a project documentation prepared by AXON studio. Increasingly more project architects make use of the indisputable advantages of modular construction. Only cooperation with architects and designers can give rise to modular constructions that are tasteful and that fit in the environment in which they are realized.