We are among 2% of Czech companies with D&B TOP Rating

25. 09. 2013 | News

Due to our excellent eco­no­mic results and pay­ment dis­ci­pli­ne we were awar­ded the Top Rating by an inter­nati­o­nally reco­gni­zed com­pa­ny D&B. We accept this award with respect and con­si­der it to be an obli­gati­on for further acti­vi­ties of our company.

Only a very small group of 2% of Czech and Slo­vak com­pa­nies have the possi­bi­li­ty to get this pres­ti­gi­ous award from the most sig­ni­fi­cant glo­bal pla­yer in the area of com­pa­ny cre­dit risk rating. The Top Rating“ award, which is awar­ded by Dun&Bradstreet, a part of DB Worl­dwi­de Network (D&B-NYSE:DNB), the most sig­ni­fi­cant and the only glo­bally ope­ra­ting com­pa­ny in its sphe­re of busi­ness. This logo imme­di­a­te­ly demon­stra­tes to both exis­ting and poten­tial busi­ness part­ners the fact that we belong to the best rated com­pa­nies in the Czech Repub­lic and Slo­vak Repub­lic in terms of risk and gives a sig­nal to all busi­ness part­ners that doing busi­ness with us is very inte­res­ting and safe.

What the D&B TOP Rating logo means:

It impro­ves the pres­ti­ge of the com­pa­ny that owns it by pla­cing a weblogo.

Com­pa­nies that have this rating do not need to pro­ve the­ir sol­ven­cy otherwi­se to the­ir exis­ting and poten­tial busi­ness part­ners as the weblo­go is still current, has a regu­lar­ly upda­ted data stamp and if a com­pa­ny loses its tit­le to the logo, it disap­pears from the­ir website.

Com­pa­nies that have this rating save a lot of time and ener­gy spent pro­ving the­ir sol­ven­cy because a busi­ness part­ner can just click“ on the acti­ve weblo­go at our web­si­te and imme­di­a­te­ly access an expla­nati­on of what the Top Rating means, who awards it and what it is based on.

The Top Rating makes the pro­cess of doing busi­ness and deci­si­on making easier and fas­ter because the Top Rating“ weblo­go is imme­di­a­te­ly acces­si­ble and has a current infor­mati­on value valid at that given moment.

Glo­bal reco­gni­sa­bi­li­ty of the D&B Rating due to uni­form rating.