1. Rus­si­an tele­vi­si­on chan­nel reports about modu­lar KOMA construction

16. 10. 2013 | News

In the first half of Octo­ber, the tele­vi­si­on crew of chan­nel 1 visi­ted the KOMA fac­to­ry in Vizo­vi­ce in order to film a docu­men­ta­ry about modu­lar con­structi­on, which is ide­al for con­structi­on in a terri­to­ry affec­ted by natu­ral cata­stro­phe. The report was part of a news broad­cast, because the village of Men­de­le­ev pod Koso­mol­sk on Amur was recent­ly hit by a devasta­ting flo­od that destroyed thou­sands of homes. Repor­ters cho­se KOMA because of our gre­at repu­tati­on, and fil­med an inter­view with Petr Chval, Direc­tor of Invest­ment and Assets In the report, thanks to videos from the KOMA pro­ducti­on, modu­lar con­structi­on was demon­stra­ted as the ide­al solu­ti­on for the current situati­on in the Far East. You can view the who­le report on the Rus­si­an chan­nel here.