We ranked among the TOP 10 Czech businesses in the Zlín Region in the „Pikes“ of Czech Business rankings (ŠTIKY ČESKÉHO BYZNYSU)
04. 11. 2013 | News
The rankings were for Czech companies with a turnover of more than EUR 10 million and that fulfilled two basic qualification criteria: In the evaluated period of three years, they had at least one important business achievement, and proved the ability to fulfil their obligations.The rankings are unique in that (assuming the entry criteria are fulfilled) the size of the company does not play a role, meaning that smaller and lesser-known companies can be ranked among the leaders. The evaluation is not burdened by individual selection, but depends only on objective economic indicators.
„The main idea of these rankings is to show economic growth, which at least from our point of view can be seen as healthy,“ said Ivan Jakúbek, director of Enterprise Investor for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Most competitions focus only on revenue growth. We, however, want to value those companies that in addition to growth can also increase value.“
Koma Modular gains certification for placing seventh place among the top 10 evaluated firms in the Zlín region in the prestigious „PIKES“ OF CZECH BUSINESS rankings (ŠTIKY ČESKÉHO BYZNYSU).