We have ope­ned a new modu­lar cafe­te­ria in the pre­mi­ses in Vizovice

11. 11. 2013 | News

At last we can wri­te in our regu­lar bulle­tin that we suc­ce­e­ded in com­ple­ting the long-announ­ced modu­lar mul­ti-functi­o­nal buil­ding, which functi­ons as an eve­ry­day com­pa­ny cafe­te­ria whe­re employe­es can eat and relax. But the buil­ding con­struc­ted of lar­ge-for­mat Com­fort modu­les is designed for other pur­po­ses too. The buil­ding is designed to accom­mo­da­te vari­ous events, such as con­fe­ren­ces, mee­tings and lectu­res. This modu­lar con­structi­on was designed by the archi­tectu­ral stu­dio of Chybík+Krištof AA and inclu­des rela­xati­on are­as whe­re employe­es can rest and clear the­ir minds. The three exte­ri­or terra­ces will no doubt be used most for this purpose.

The cafe­te­ria and new clo­a­kro­oms lite­rally were built befo­re the employe­es‘ eyes. Loo­king back, the Mar­ke­ting Direc­tor of KOMA eva­lua­tes this pro­ject as follows: I am glad to be part of a com­pa­ny that cares about its employe­es, whe­ther by pro­vi­ding a modern pro­ducti­on faci­li­ty or sup­port faci­li­ties. I am proud that KOMA has this phi­lo­so­phy. The suc­cess of each busi­ness is the abi­li­ty to cre­a­te a functi­o­nal, cre­a­ti­ve and loyal team. The plans of manage­ment do not end here. We all look for­ward to new challen­ges and the­ir implementation.“