A sim­ple admi­nis­trati­on buil­ding in Germany

01. 12. 2013 | News

In Novem­ber, KOMA deli­ve­red modu­les for an offi­ce buil­ding for the com­pa­ny W&K Lip­psta­dt, which embo­died the most fun­da­men­tal con­cepts of modu­lar con­structi­on: spe­ed, affor­da­bi­li­ty, and practi­ca­li­ty. We were able to deli­ver all this and more to the cli­ent, reli­a­bly and in accor­dan­ce with the­ir wishes. In addi­ti­on, this con­structi­on was cus­to­mi­sed with a secon­da­ry PUR panel faca­de. The faca­de has a double functi­on: it impro­ves the insu­lati­on pro­per­ties of the outer layer of the buil­ding, whi­le also offe­ring a dif­fe­rent aesthe­tic than the typi­cal con­ta­i­ner-like appea­ran­ce of this type of structu­re. The admi­nis­trati­on buil­ding was built using the Stan­dar­d­Li­ne con­ta­i­ner modules.