The six­th annu­al KOMA Sup­pliers‘ Day was a success

28. 11. 2013 | News

Althou­gh the first Novem­ber snow in Vizo­vi­ce thre­a­te­ned to cause tra­vel com­pli­cati­ons, KOMA hos­ted its six­th annu­al Sup­pliers‘ Day. This tra­di­ti­o­nal event is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to intro­du­ce the KOMA phi­lo­so­phy, inno­vati­ons, and goals to our part­ners. In toda­y­’s mar­ket, only inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­nies that know the true mea­ning of the word colla­bo­rati­on“ and that can com­mu­ni­ca­te hone­st­ly can achie­ve success.

This year, the sup­plier of the year was Jit­ka Palo­vá (fas­te­ners). In addi­ti­on, for the first time we announ­ced the Lowest Pri­ce Gua­ran­tee“ award, which went to Ros­so Ste­el a.s.