Saint Nicho­las, an angel and a devil visi­ted KOMA­’s new canteen

06. 12. 2013 | News

KOMA has orga­ni­sed Saint Nicho­las Day for our employe­es‘ chil­dren in a new mul­ti­functi­o­nal area, which is used as a can­te­en during the daytime. 

The very suc­cess­ful after­no­on was hos­ted by two KOMA devils, who per­su­a­ded eve­ry­o­ne that the dogma, which says that all devils are evil, is sim­ply not true. Chil­dren pain­ted pictu­res of Saint Nico­las and the devils, sol­ved puzzles, pla­yed games and relished eating vari­ous goo­dies inclu­ding a cho­co­la­te foun­ta­in. Whi­le wai­ting for Saint Nicho­las, eve­ry­o­ne enjoyed a per­for­man­ce by a magi­ci­an, who mira­cu­lous­ly pro­du­ced doves and a rab­bit. And then came the high­li­ght of the day: omi­nous devils made the­ir ent­ran­ce, followed by Saint Nicho­las and an angel. The chil­dren who had enou­gh cou­rage reci­ted poems and sang son­gs, for which they rece­i­ved pre­sents, and in the end all chil­dren rece­i­ved small gifts. Saint Nicho­las Day was sim­ply very suc­cess­ful, just as a pro­per holi­day like this should be.