How repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the bird kin­g­dom view us

20. 09. 2013 | News

One of the gifts that we gave one ano­ther at the oppor­tu­ni­ty of the company´s twen­ti­e­th anni­ver­sa­ry was a ballo­on fli­ght. Thus, some per­sons were dra­wn to see our com­pa­ny from the bird´s eye view. It´s a pity that a simi­lar view of the plant twen­ty years ago is not avai­la­ble to us. It would be cer­ta­in­ly very inte­res­ting to com­pa­re both views. We are a Czech com­pa­ny without fore­ign par­ti­ci­pati­on. During the last twen­ty years we have trans­for­med an agricul­tu­ral coo­pe­ra­ti­ve of the asso­ci­a­ted pro­ducti­on, which we pri­va­ti­zed, into a modern pro­ducti­on com­pa­ny focused on modu­lar con­structi­on, which can be com­pa­red to simi­lar com­pa­nies from the deve­lo­ped coun­tries of the EU. With humi­li­ty, we gra­du­ally inves­ted the funds that we gene­ra­ted throu­gh our busi­ness acti­vi­ties in moder­ni­zati­on of the plant and in cre­a­ting bet­ter wor­king con­di­ti­ons for wor­kers to whom we give jobs. We part­ly use finan­ce from the EU funds to rea­li­ze the invest­ments and inno­vati­ons, too. By the end of the year who­le moder­ni­zati­on will have been com­ple­ted due to the con­structi­on of a new modu­lar dining hall with chan­ging rooms for employe­es. From the ballo­on point of view you can see only the foun­dati­ons of this dining hall, a new car park for employe­es and a sto­re of modu­les having been manu­factu­red. In spring, all our fans can look for­ward too a new video from the pro­ducti­on whe­re all the chan­ges inclu­ding a moder­ni­zed wood-pro­ces­sing workshop will be shown.