A new modu­lar KOMA dining hall in illustrations

29. 01. 2014 | News

A mul­ti-functi­on modu­lar buil­ding on the Vizo­vi­ce com­pound of the KOMA Com­pa­ny is pre­sen­ted in illustrati­ons. The top-level archi­tectu­re deser­ves top-level pho­to­gra­phs because KOMA in illustrati­ons can impress not only its cus­to­mers, but also the media, archi­tects and the pub­lic with its acti­vi­ty. As KOMA is a long-run­ning pro­mo­ter of modu­lar con­structi­on, it must ser­ve as an exam­ple. Our employe­es thus have a brand new mul­ti-functi­o­nal buil­ding whe­re they can chan­ge the­ir clo­thes, have a shower, a meal and a rest. The buil­ding also ser­ves as a con­fe­ren­ce room and a spa­ce for social events. The pho­to­gra­phs were taken by Marek Malů­šek, a pho­to­gra­pher from Uher­ské Hradiště