The Koma Com­pa­ny in Vizo­vi­ce - from cara­vans to the Mount Olym­pus of modu­lar structures

05. 02. 2014 | News

Our tri­um­ph in the ten­der to be the sup­plier of the Czech pavi­li­on for EXPO 2015 in Milan and the ove­rall long-las­ting effort to popu­la­ri­ze modu­lar con­structi­on natu­rally attract media atten­ti­on to the KOMA Com­pa­ny. As a result, an inter­view with the direc­tor and owner of KOMA, Mr. Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec, was pub­lished in the electro­nic eco­no­mic dai­ly www.e15.cz on 5 Febru­a­ry 2014. The article reports about the com­pa­ny­’s cri­ses and suc­ces­ses, as well the plans and challen­ges that lie ahe­ad. In the long article, Mr. Mar­ti­nec expla­ins his view on ent­re­pre­ne­u­r­ship and con­fes­ses his respon­se to the company’s suc­cess in the ten­der for con­structi­on of the Czech pavi­li­on at EXPO 2015. You can read the article The Koma Com­pa­ny in Vizo­vi­ce - from cara­vans to the Mount Olym­pus of modu­lar structu­res“ here.