Green Office Building in Wesseling - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Gre­en Offi­ce Buil­ding in Wesseling

07. 03. 2014 | News

The AMT­RA com­pa­ny sells and lea­ses resi­den­tial con­ta­i­ners and the­re­fo­re requi­red a con­ta­i­ner buil­ding for its employe­es mee­ting very high demands. We are ple­a­sed to be add­res­sed by ano­ther com­pa­ny acti­ve in the same field as KOMA.

The exter­nal sha­pe of the hou­se allowed for buil­ding a terra­ce and a bal­co­ny of tro­pi­cal wood on the second flo­or. All flo­ors of the buil­ding have ste­el cei­lings with a load-bea­ring capa­ci­ty of 260kg/m2 (to accom­mo­da­te the expec­ted win­ter load), and, toge­ther with the terra­ce and the bal­co­ny, are equip­ped with gut­ters. The buil­ding con­sists of three occu­pied flo­ors with a fourth flo­or used as the sky­li­ght for bring day­li­ght into the buil­ding and the cre­ati­on of a chim­ney effect for smoke exhaust in case of fire. For that pur­po­se the sky­li­ght is equip­ped with a sen­sor con­t­rol­ling the poten­tial ven­ti­lati­on of the buil­ding. This area, the effect of which is mul­tiplied by a view throu­gh all flo­ors, the­re­fo­re has both practi­cal and aesthe­tic benefits. 

The branch offi­ce in Wes­se­ling also meets fire safe­ty requi­re­ments on the F30 level, with the fire resistan­ce of the inte­ri­or stai­r­ca­se even rea­ching F90. Flo­ors, walls and cei­lings in the buil­ding are all built using dry tech­no­lo­gy and pro­vi­ded with a sur­fa­ce finish. The inte­ri­or lay­out of the buil­ding was designed in clo­se coo­pe­rati­on with the investor’s repre­sen­ta­ti­ves. The result is ple­a­sant inte­ri­or spa­ce washed in light.