KOMA also Deli­vers Lea­ses Assem­b­lies to Germany

06. 03. 2014 | News

The sub­si­di­a­ry KOMA Rent with headquar­ters in Pra­gue has also been making itself known abroad thanks to its qua­li­ty of work and indi­vi­du­al appro­ach. In the beau­ti­ful land­s­ca­pe around the Sch­war­zenberg Cha­te­au in Ger­ma­ny, the com­pa­ny built a tem­po­ra­ry sup­port faci­li­ty for the recon­structi­on and expan­si­on of the KAU­FLAND super­mar­ket imple­men­ted by IMOS GmbH. Thanks to the exten­ded pro­duct port­fo­lio, the pre­mi­ses are also fen­ced on request of the client.

The beau­ti­ful town with tim­ber-fra­med hou­ses, the Elec­tors’ Cha­te­au and a newly recon­struc­ted church has been equip­ped by us with an assem­bly of twel­ve containers.

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