The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Visited KOMA in Vizovice - KOMA MODULAR (en)

The Pri­me Minis­ter of the Czech Repub­lic Visi­ted KOMA in Vizovice

08. 04. 2014 | News

Bohuslav Sobot­ka, Pri­me Minis­ter of the Czech Repub­lic, accom­pa­nied by Ale­na Gajduš­ko­vá, First Vice-Pre­si­dent of the Sena­te of the Par­li­a­ment of the Czech Repub­lic, and Sta­ni­slav Mišák, Gover­nor of the Zlín Regi­on, visi­ted the KOMA pre­mi­ses not only thanks to the fact that KOMA has beco­me the buil­der of the modu­lar pavi­li­on of the Czech Repub­lic at EXPO 2015 in Milan

, but also thanks to its repu­tati­on and imple­men­ted modu­lar con­structi­ons - pre­scho­ol buil­dings in particular.

The dele­gati­on was wel­co­med at the com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses by KOMA Direc­tor Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec and the KOMA managers, who showed all the par­ti­ci­pants around the pro­ducti­on halls and the top modu­lar con­structi­on in the form of a mul­ti­functi­o­nal buil­ding at the com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses, which is used in par­ticu­lar as the back offi­ce and cafe­te­ria for KOMA employe­es. The pro­gram con­ti­nu­ed with a deba­te about the possi­bi­li­ties of modu­lar con­structi­on. KOMA is very ple­a­sed to wel­co­me such dis­tingu­ished visi­tors and sees it as an appre­ci­ati­on of its activity.