Journalists’ acknowledge our modular nursery school as Construction of the Year of the Zlín Region - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Jour­na­lists’ acknowled­ge our modu­lar nur­se­ry scho­ol as Con­structi­on of the Year of the Zlín Region

29. 05. 2014 | News

A total of 55 pro­jects, the bud­get of which ran­ged from CZK 1.5 mil­li­on to near­ly CZK 800 mil­li­on, ente­red the Con­structi­on of the Year com­pe­ti­ti­on. The con­structi­on pro­jects were divi­ded into 7 cate­go­ries, in which one main pri­ze and 2 or 3 cer­ti­fi­ca­tes of merit were awar­ded. Further­mo­re, the Grand Prix of archi­tect Pavel Novák, the Pri­ze of the Zlín Regi­on Pre­si­dent and a jour­na­lists’ award were pre­sen­ted. And it was the jour­na­lists’ award that was won by KOMA for manu­factu­ring and con­structing the low-ener­gy com­pa­ny nur­se­ry scho­ol Oská­rek” for Lapp Kabel.

KOMA, which has been pro­mo­ting modu­lar archi­tectu­re as a unique and high­ly effi­ci­ent full-fled­ged form of con­structi­on in the long term, high­ly regards this pri­ze as appre­ci­ati­on by inde­pen­dent jour­na­lists pro­ves the poten­tial that modu­lar archi­tectu­re and KOMA have for the broad pub­lic. We thank the Syn­di­ca­te of Jour­na­lists of the Zlín Regi­on, and we accept this award as a com­mit­ment for futu­re years.