Unique resi­den­tial modu­les in pub­lic space

04. 06. 2014 | News

Enli­ve­ning pub­lic spa­ce with small archi­tectu­re is a topic that has reso­na­ted in soci­e­ty not only in a few recent years. How to enli­ven such a pub­lic area as a village squa­re of small muni­ci­pa­li­ties, what to do about unattracti­ve­ly-loo­king bus stops and is it possi­ble to install a modu­lar café on a quay or in open spa­ces in cities e.g. in the form of a tem­po­ra­ry con­structi­on? A stu­dy of City Modu­les for small con­structi­ons, bus stops and cafés par­ti­ally answers this ques­ti­on. The stu­dy was pre­pa­red by archi­tects from artE­cho using a uti­li­ty model from the workshop of Chybik+Kristof AA and KOMA MODULAR.

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