KOMA Bulle­tin Nr. 12

12. 06. 2014 | News

KOMA has issu­ed its second prin­ted Bulle­tin this year, as usu­al in three lan­gu­age ver­si­ons. The Bulle­tin you can sub­scri­be to at marketing@container.cz pro­vi­des regu­lar infor­mati­on about all major KOMA achie­ve­ments in the given peri­od, pre­sen­ting modu­lar KOMA con­structi­on pro­jects in an attracti­ve form. This issue thus informs rea­ders not only about the Abso­lu­tum Hotel and the SIXT sup­port faci­li­ty, but also about the gre­en offi­ce buil­ding in Wes­si­ling, whi­le also pre­sen­ting a pre­sen­tati­on of a stu­dy of the CITY Modu­les, or loo­king back at the AFO film fes­ti­val in Olomouc. 

We gre­at­ly appre­ci­a­te your inte­rest in KOMA modu­lar con­structi­on and architecture.