The first Vizovice modules for the Czech Pavilion at EXPO 2015 - KOMA MODULAR (en)

The first Vizo­vi­ce modu­les for the Czech Pavi­li­on at EXPO 2015

12. 08. 2014 | News

Con­structi­on of the Czech Pavi­li­on for EXPO 2015 in Milan is alrea­dy in full swing. Despi­te tech­ni­cal pro­blems in the host coun­t­ry, in the first half of July KOMA managed to deli­ver the first batch of modu­les for the con­structi­on of the Czech Pavi­li­on at the Milan EXPO. The pavi­li­on is attracting pub­lic atten­ti­on not only with its exhi­bi­ti­ons but also with the sys­tem used for its con­structi­on – the KOMA modu­lar sys­tem from Vizovice. 

A descrip­ti­on of how the unique KOMA modu­lar sys­tem works in such a com­plex pro­ject as the Czech EXPO 2015 pavi­li­on can be found, for exam­ple, on the Czech Radio web­si­te, whe­re KOMA´s logis­tics manager Mr. Ladi­slav Slá­meč­ka descri­bes the con­structi­on sys­tem. KOMA will trans­port flat metal parts to the pla­ce of con­structi­on, whe­re they will be assem­bled into three-dimensi­o­nal structu­res. These structu­res will sub­sequent­ly be used to build the pavi­li­on. I think that the recyc­la­bi­li­ty dimensi­on is very inte­res­ting. The­re are no lost invest­ment costs, because at the end of the Expo we will dismant­le the pavi­li­on and take it back to the Czech Repub­lic, whe­re we would like to build it aga­in.“ KOMA is a proud buil­der of the Czech Republic´s image at the world exhibition.