KOMA starts with three-shift operation

09. 09. 2014 | News

The most sig­ni­fi­cant sign of a company´s heal­th and stren­gth is the­ir sta­bi­li­ty as an employer who also cre­a­tes new jobs. KOMA cre­a­ted fif­te­en new direct jobs, and more jobs will be cre­a­ted secon­da­ri­ly with sup­pliers. This makes KOMA, among other things, an impor­tant com­pa­ny for Vizo­vi­ce and the Zlín region. 

Current­ly, we have three times more orders than we used to have in the past, when the worklo­ad of our second shift was only about 70%. We will have practi­cally no free pro­ducti­on capa­ci­ty until Christmas, and more­o­ver our sales depart­ment is now nego­ti­a­ting orders for the first quar­ter of 2015. The­re­fo­re, in order to satis­fy both exis­ting cus­to­mers and our new cli­ents and to meet the agre­ed deli­ve­ry times, we are now star­ting to ope­ra­te in three shifts. Our cus­to­mers are hap­py when we meet dead­li­nes and qua­li­ty requi­re­ments, which is the most impor­tant thing for us“, said owner and Mana­ging Direc­tor Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec about the intro­ducti­on of the thi­rd shift. 

We are ple­a­sed that inte­rest in our KOMA modu­lar sys­tem is incre­a­sing – we per­ce­i­ve it as our com­mit­ment to the future.