KOMA succeeds as supplier of social housing in Hamburg - KOMA MODULAR (en)

KOMA suc­ce­eds as sup­plier of social housing in Hamburg

09. 08. 2014 | News

KOMA con­ti­nu­es its clo­se coo­pe­rati­on with the Ger­man com­pa­ny COM­MA, for which it manu­factu­res con­ta­i­ners for buil­ding social houses. 

The first con­structi­on was rea­li­sed in Octo­ber 2012, when we deli­ve­red five social hou­ses for the Cur­slack city dis­t­rict of Ham­burg. This pro­ject was followed by the deli­ve­ry of six hou­ses to Lewenwer­de­ru in March 2013. This was followed by deli­ve­ries to Lit­zwer Str. in Decem­ber 2013 and to Rahl­sted­ter Str. this past May. In autumn we will manu­factu­re 396 con­ta­i­ners for the Kirch-August-Stra­ße area (four­te­en hou­ses) and for Pin­ne­ber­ger Stra­ße (eight houses). 

The hou­ses are designed so that each site alwa­ys has one so-called Geme­nin­schaft­shaus“ with three resi­den­tial units and a laun­d­ry faci­li­ty. The rema­i­ning hou­ses are the so-called Wohnhauses“ with four resi­den­tial units. Each apart­ment has its own bathro­om, toi­let, kit­chen, and two or three rooms. Each resi­den­tial hou­se con­sists of eigh­te­en modu­les. The buil­dings have a secon­da­ry gable roof. The con­structi­on time is incre­di­bly short – just one to two weeks!