KOMA Con­ta­i­ners Enli­ve­ning Pub­lic Area in Pra­gue at Designblok

06. 10. 2014 | News

KOMA, in coo­pe­rati­on with the Chy­bík Krištof AA archi­tectu­ral stu­dio and stu­dents from the Ladi­slav Sut­nar Facul­ty of Art and Design (FAD) of the West Bohe­mi­an Uni­ver­si­ty in Pil­sen, has pre­sen­ted one of the FAD exhi­bi­ti­ons at Designblok 14 in unty­pi­cal tra­pe­zo­i­dal CITY modu­les. The con­ta­i­ners, which imme­di­a­te­ly catch the eye, are installed in the heart of the his­to­ric cen­t­re of Pra­gue in Na Pří­ko­pech street.

The exhi­bi­ti­ons installed in the CITY modu­les have been split into two cre­a­ti­ve groups. The KYČN group pre­pa­red a pla­ce to rest with a game in one of the CITY modu­les, whe­re pas­sers-by can play a com­pu­ter game on the installed tablets. The other con­ta­i­ner was designed by the SKLE­NÍK group as a gym whe­re peo­ple can run a marathon (if they run around the con­ta­i­ner peri­me­ter 3,500 times) or try out run­ning 4.6m. The seri­ousness of the acti­vi­ty of SKLE­NÍK is docu­men­ted not only by the video spot at 

, but also on the Kon­tej­run website.

It is good to see that a street lined with his­to­ric buil­dings and shops with fashi­o­na­ble brands offers a rest zone in con­ta­i­ners which look just great.