One-Thi­rd of Con­structi­on of Czech Pavi­li­on for EXPO 2015 Completed

03. 10. 2014 | News

Despi­te cer­ta­in some­ti­mes more or less fun­ny pro­blems, KOMA can be said to be among the June TOP5 when sub­mit­ting the design docu­men­tati­on for the Czech pavi­li­on in Milan (alter­na­ti­ve to the Czech zoning per­mit pro­ce­e­ding). In July, KOMA aga­in pla­ced in the TOP5, this time after sub­mit­ting the next stage of the docu­men­tati­on (for the alter­na­ti­ve to the Czech buil­ding per­mit pro­ce­e­ding). In August, KOMA ran­ked among the TOP3 in the com­men­ce­ment of under­structu­re con­structi­on, with the Czech pavi­li­on being among the first to have its foun­dati­ons and engi­nee­ring works com­ple­ted. In Sep­tem­ber, KOMA was the first of all pavi­li­on buil­ders to com­ple­te its pavi­li­on’s fra­mework and on 3rd of Octo­ber the Czech pavi­li­on beca­me the first one with a com­ple­ted structu­re. What more can we say about the advan­tages of modu­lar KOMA construction?