KOMA is buil­ding star­ting blocks of flats in France

04. 12. 2014 | News

It is obvi­ous that KOMA kee­ps its posi­ti­on in the high­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve Euro­pe­an mar­ket espe­ci­ally due to con­ti­nu­ous inno­vati­on. The­re­fo­re, we are proud to say that after suc­cess­ful coo­pe­rati­on on the pro­ject for an admi­nis­tra­ti­ve buil­ding for the ARE­VA ener­gy com­pa­ny we have rece­i­ved addi­ti­o­nal orders from France.

This time it is a job for a lar­ge deve­lo­p­ment com­pa­ny for which we are deli­ve­ring resi­den­tial structu­res made of modu­les. The pro­ject was deve­lo­ped by French archi­tects. A pro­to­ty­pe hou­se will be built in the suburbs of the French capi­tal and will be finished in March 2015. The hou­ses will ser­ve as com­for­table dor­mi­to­ries for stu­dents or as tem­po­ra­ry apart­ment-like housing. Modu­les with flo­or plan dimensi­ons of 6.53.5 met­res are used for dor­mi­to­ries and 15 of them were used for the pro­to­ty­pe. The hou­se natu­rally com­plies with all French stan­dards for per­ma­nent buildings.