KOMA par­ti­ci­pa­ted in Pecha­Ku­cha Night in Plzeň

01. 12. 2014 | News

The Pecha­Ku­cha [peča­ku­ča] pro­ject was deve­lo­ped in Tokyo in 2003 by archi­tects Ast­rid Klein and Mark Dytham, the foun­ders of the archi­tectu­re stu­dio Klein Dytham Archi­tectu­re. The­ir goal was to cre­a­te a forum for archi­tects, designers, gra­phic artists and other artists to meet at one pla­ce and at one time. A pre­sen­tati­on at Pecha­Ku­cha, which is a Japa­ne­se expres­si­on for the sound of con­ver­sati­on, means that eve­ry spe­a­ker pre­pa­res 20 pictu­res for the­ir pre­sen­tati­on and is allowed to spend 20 seconds tal­king about each of them; thus, they have 6 minu­tes and 40 seconds until it is time for the next presenter. 

The first event of this kind in the Czech Repub­lic took pla­ce in Pra­gue in 2007. Now, this extre­me­ly popu­lar pro­ject also rea­ched Plzeň, and peo­ple were so inte­res­ted in par­ti­ci­pa­ting that the audi­en­ce filled the who­le Gre­at The­a­t­re of J. K. Tyl. KOMA Direc­tor Sta­ni­slav Mar­ti­nec was among the spe­a­kers at the end of Novem­ber. The fact that KOMA was invi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te at this event is the best appre­ci­ati­on of our work. We thank the orga­ni­sers for this honour!