The bake­ry in Hor­ní Lideč

02. 09. 2015 | News

The KOMA com­pa­ny has con­struc­ted a new bake­ry and a new past­ry shop for the OME­GA CZ company.

The faci­li­ty in Hor­ní Lideč is both a retail shop and bake­ry in one. For our com­pa­ny, the pro­ject is qui­te nor­mal but for the pub­lic, the sui­ta­bi­li­ty of modu­lar con­structi­on even for a bake­ry may be surprising.

The sim­ple KOMA structu­re, con­sis­ting of three pie­ces of Stan­dar­d­Li­ne modu­les, is spe­ci­fic main­ly due to the fact that it was pro­du­ced direct­ly accor­ding to the needs of the inves­tor so that it meets all the requi­re­ments for the inter­nal arran­ge­ment and of sani­ta­ry stan­dards. And of cour­se it is easi­ly trans­por­table to ano­ther site in spi­te of its size, as in the case of all modu­lar structu­res made by the KOMA company.