A Children's Heath and Safety Centre is Founded in Karlovy Vary - KOMA MODULAR (en)

A Chil­dre­n’s Heath and Safe­ty Cen­t­re is Foun­ded in Kar­lo­vy Vary

11. 09. 2015 | News

A cere­mo­nial com­ple­ti­on mar­ked the finished con­structi­on of the Cen­t­re for Heal­th and Safe­ty in Kar­lo­vy Vary. This unique pro­ject ser­ves to edu­ca­te and tra­in in risk and emer­gen­cy pre­ven­ti­on for chil­dren and the­ir parents.

The vari­a­bi­li­ty, spe­ed of con­structi­on, and easy mobi­li­ty of the KOMA sys­tem con­vin­ced the com­pa­ny, EURO­VIA CS, that KOMA was the right com­pa­ny to build its Cen­t­re for Heal­th and Safe­ty. The cen­t­re is designed for chil­dren who will learn inju­ry pre­ven­ti­on and how to act in the event of an acci­dent, fire, or other emer­gen­cy. The edu­cati­o­nal cen­t­re pro­ject high­li­ghts addi­ti­o­nal possi­bi­li­ties for the use of modu­lar con­structi­on. The com­plex can be modi­fied to simu­la­te spe­ci­fic emergencies.