CITY modu­les make up the Sdíl­ko” in Kopřivnice

02. 09. 2015 | News

KOMA pro­vi­ded its CITY Modu­les to the first sea­son of the event Sdíl­ko Kopřiv­ni­ce. Two design con­ta­i­ners borrowed from KOMA thus brigh­te­ned up the cen­t­re of the city for one mon­th and offe­red some­thing dif­fe­rent to eve­ry­day life the­re. Whe­ther it was brin­ging regi­o­nal brands clo­se to peo­ple, intro­du­cing archi­tects, designers and cre­a­tors, or other non­tra­di­ti­o­nal ser­vi­ces, eve­ry­o­ne enjoyed some­thing. KOMA thus aga­in managed to sup­port an inte­res­ting event which ple­a­sed pas­sers-by and showed that CITY modu­les have a sure futu­re in the world.