CITY Modu­les at Pra­gue Spring Music Festival

11. 06. 2015 | News

This year, the well-known inter­nati­o­nal music fes­ti­val Pra­gue Spring was equip­ped with an infor­mati­on cen­t­re built of CITY modu­les, loca­ted at náměs­tí Repub­li­ky” squa­re in Pra­gue. The unique tra­pe­zo­i­dal modu­le was deve­lo­ped by KOMA in coo­pe­rati­on with the archi­tectu­ral stu­dio Chy­bík Krištof AA. For this pur­po­se KOMA coo­pe­ra­ted with the renow­ned Olgoj Chro­choj stu­dio, who pre­pa­red the con­cept of the CITY modu­le for this par­ticu­lar event. Thus, the modu­le was designed in the ele­gant com­bi­nati­on of the blue fes­ti­val colour on the side and the rear walls in a black fra­me. This con­cept was com­ple­men­ted with one glass wall. 

The modu­le was open to the pub­lic for 14 days and in addi­ti­on to fes­ti­val infor­mati­on and ticket boo­king it was used for vari­ous events such as a Day with a Czech TV chan­nel Art, vari­ous small con­certs or the Run to a Concert.

The unique modu­le remin­ded the Pra­gue resi­dents and visi­tors about the possi­bi­li­ty to attend this world famous festival.