CITY Modules at Zlín Design Week - KOMA MODULAR (en)

CITY Modu­les at Zlín Design Week

11. 06. 2015 | News

In late April 2015 CITY Modu­les were used in the con­text of the ZLÍN DESIGN WEEK, who­se pur­po­se was to return design to the pla­ce of its ori­gin and pro­ve that design need not be only expensi­ve and inac­ces­si­ble. Ele­gant black modu­les with the main wall made of glass and the side wall made of OSB boards were installed at náměs­tí Míru” squa­re and used for pre­sen­tati­ons of selec­ted designers and art colleges.

The who­le event was orga­ni­zed by the Mul­ti­me­dia Com­mu­ni­cati­on Facul­ty of Tomáš Baťa Uni­ver­si­ty in Zlín and the stu­dents showed tru­ly gre­at effort. In addi­ti­on to the modu­les in the pub­lic spa­ce the event also inclu­ded a num­ber of exhi­bi­ti­ons and con­fe­ren­ces on the links between design and mar­ke­ting and a com­pe­ti­ti­on for young designers called Talent in Design”.

The fes­ti­val used 13 City modu­les which are meant to be used for enli­ve­ning pub­lic spa­ces of other Czech as well as Euro­pe­an cities, in future.