Czech Fore­ign Minis­ter Lubo­mír Zao­rá­lek visits the EXPO pavilion

31. 03. 2015 | News

On 31 March 2015, Czech Fore­ign Minis­ter Lubo­mír Zao­rá­lek visi­ted the Czech modu­lar pavi­li­on for EXPO 2015 in Milan.„I am proud to see that the Czech Pavi­li­on is the first pavi­li­on pre­pa­red for ope­ning. I am ple­a­sed that the EXPO is being held this time in Euro­pe, which can thus pre­sent its poten­tial and skills“, dec­la­red Minis­ter Zao­rá­lek. During his visit, the minis­ter met with the buil­ders of the nati­o­nal pavi­li­on and the gene­ral com­mis­si­o­ner of EXPO 2015 Giusep­pe Sala.„The Czech gover­n­ment sees gre­at sig­ni­fi­can­ce in its par­ti­ci­pati­on in the EXPO. It is evi­dent that this model, in which finan­cial resour­ces for par­ti­ci­pati­on in the exhi­bi­ti­on are inves­ted not only by the sta­te, but also by pri­va­te com­pa­nies, works very well“, said Minis­ter Zao­rá­lek during his tour.

The gene­ral con­trac­tor for the Czech Pavi­li­on for EXPO 2015, KOMA Modu­lar, is one of the pri­va­te sub­jects inves­ting its own resour­ces in the con­structi­on of the pavilion.