The Czech National Pavilion Takes the Bronze Medal for Architecture at EXPO 2015 - KOMA MODULAR (en)

The Czech Nati­o­nal Pavi­li­on Takes the Bron­ze Medal for Archi­tectu­re at EXPO 2015

10. 11. 2015 | News

At EXPO 2015 the the­mes of recyc­ling, renewa­ble water resour­ces and eco­lo­gy were in the spo­tli­ght. The topics also inter­twi­ned with all buil­dings at the exhi­bi­ti­on and deter­mi­ned the­ir archi­tectu­ral appea­ran­ce. The Czech Repub­lic opted for a recyc­la­ble modu­lar sys­tem which faci­li­ta­ted the con­structi­on of the pavi­li­on as well as its recon­structi­on and disas­sem­bly. From the very begin­ning, the Czech pavi­li­on was in the view­fin­der of more than just the Ita­li­an media, and over the cour­se of the exhi­bi­ti­on it took an array of pri­zes. One of the most impor­tant came at the announ­ce­ment of the most archi­tectu­rally well-made pavi­li­on, whe­re the Czech stand was awar­ded the bron­ze medal. The Bri­tish pavi­li­on finished in first pla­ce, whi­le Chi­le took home silver.