KOMA Builds Its Smallest Nur­se­ry Scho­ol Yet

30. 09. 2015 | News

Some time ago, the Bota­ni­cal Insti­tu­te dis­co­ve­red the advan­tages of modu­lar con­structi­on, and, over time, has erec­ted a num­ber of buil­dings on its pre­mi­ses. The com­pa­ny nur­se­ry scho­ol is its most recent addition.

The pri­ma­ry deci­si­ve fac­tor for cho­o­sing modu­les was spe­ed of con­structi­on. Ano­ther advan­tage was the vari­a­bi­li­ty of modu­lar structu­res that was used in an expan­si­on of depo­si­to­ry buil­ding and to trans­form the lay­out. When the Bota­ni­cal Insti­tu­te deci­ded to build a com­pa­ny nur­se­ry scho­ol, modu­lar design was the obvi­ous cho­ice. This resul­ted in sin­gle-sto­rey buil­ding that easi­ly accom­mo­da­tes a pla­y­ro­om, restro­om faci­li­ties, and a kit­chen. From the out­si­de, the scho­ol cre­a­tes a ple­a­sant impres­si­on thanks to the use of woo­den siding.

KOMA has once aga­in shown that modu­lar design is often the most effecti­ve option.

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