KOMA Presents Impressive CITY Modules at the Signal Festival - KOMA MODULAR (en)

KOMA Pre­sents Impres­si­ve CITY Modu­les at the Sig­nal Festival

11. 11. 2015 | News

For more than two years, CITY modu­les have been brigh­te­ning the pub­lic spa­ces across Czech cities. On this occasi­on, they also appea­red at the popu­lar Sig­nal light fes­ti­val, which attrac­ted a record num­ber of visi­tors to Pra­gue from around the world this year. As part of the fes­ti­val, KOMA pro­vi­ded two CITY Modu­les at Náměs­tí repub­li­ky (Repub­lic Squa­re). These ser­ved as a base for a unique installati­on from Dutch artist Matthijs Mun­nik entit­led Cita­dels,“ which con­si­s­ted of two light boxes filled with unsett­ling blin­king lights and sound waves.

We are very ple­a­sed that the unique and modern design of the aty­pi­cal CITY modu­les has the poten­tial to be used at pres­ti­gi­ous events across a wide ran­ge of specialisations.