Multicultural Hvězdička Centre - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Mul­ticul­tu­ral Hvěz­dič­ka Centre

05. 03. 2015 | News

KOMA has built a low-thre­shold cen­t­re in Brno-Cejl to pro­vi­de extra-cur­ricu­lar acti­vi­ties for Roma you­th. The two-sto­rey buil­ding designed by archi­tects Rad­ko Květ a Radek Slá­de­ček will help with the social inte­grati­on of the Roma community.

The KOMA modu­lar design was cho­sen main­ly with the tem­po­ra­ry natu­re of the buil­ding in mind, the affor­da­ble pri­ce and easy transfe­ra­bi­li­ty. The colours of the walls will be designed by invol­ving the local com­mu­ni­ty during artis­tic workshops. The modu­les cre­a­te a faci­li­ty with gre­at poten­tial for the enti­re Cejl community.