Zlín Regi­on Ent­re­pre­ne­u­rs Awards

29. 06. 2015 | News

The Zlín Regi­on Asso­ci­ati­on of Ent­re­pre­ne­u­rs awar­ded our com­pa­ny owners for out­stan­ding pro­mo­ti­on of the Zlín regi­on. The award was pre­sen­ted to Mr. Mar­ti­nec, Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors, by Mr. Rudolf Chme­lař during the pre­sen­tati­on cere­mo­ny of the Zlín Regi­on Ent­re­pre­ne­u­rs Awards, which the asso­ci­ati­on was announ­cing for the fif­te­en­th time. The awards took pla­ce in a fami­ly envi­ron­ment at the Sul­phu­rous Spa in Ost­rož­ská Nová Ves, whe­re the Ent­re­pre­ne­ur of the Year award was given to the Chair­man of the Super­vi­so­ry Board of Royal Spa Mr. Anto­nín Pla­chý DVM.