20th Anni­ver­sa­ry of the Jih­la­va 2016 Docu­men­ta­ry Film Fes­ti­val and City modules

14. 11. 2016 | News

KOMA Ligh­thou­se was the domi­nant fea­tu­re of the 20th Jih­la­va 2016 Docu­men­ta­ry Film Fes­ti­val. Befo­re the fes­ti­val, it ful­filled the functi­on of an infor­mati­on cen­t­re with café and during the fes­ti­val, besi­des the café with an observati­on terra­ce, it also ser­ved as a pla­ce for workshops. The Ligh­thou­se was sup­ple­men­ted with 4 City modu­les in which the orga­ni­sers recalled the events of the pre­vi­ous years. In two City modu­les, Jih­la­va you­th could test the­ir knowled­ge of edu­cati­o­nal com­pu­ter games.