CITY modules make another appearance at the Zlín Film Festival - KOMA MODULAR (en)

CITY modu­les make ano­ther appea­ran­ce at the Zlín Film Festival

09. 06. 2016 | News

We are deeply honou­red that our CITY modu­les appea­red in Zlín aga­in after the high­ly suc­cess­ful Zlín Design Week, this time in coo­pe­rati­on with the Children’s Film Fes­ti­val. KOMA pro­vi­ded 24 CITY modu­les, that were used as spe­cial shops and pla­ce for children´s acti­vi­ties. KOMA pro­vi­ded its unique Ligh­thou­se to the 56th annu­al Inter­nati­o­nal Film Fes­ti­val for Chil­dren and You­th, the lea­ding cul­tu­ral event of the year in the Zlín Regi­on. The Ligh­thou­se was used by Czech Tele­vi­si­on as broad­cas­ting stu­dio for the­ir Zprá­vič­ky (News Briefs) pro­gra­m­me and it aga­in demon­stra­ted the remar­kable qua­li­ties of KOMA modu­lar archi­tectu­re: vari­a­bi­li­ty, mobi­li­ty, incre­di­bly fast con­structi­on and unique design.