CITY modu­les as a showro­om for luxu­ry cars

31. 07. 2016 | News

CITY modu­les have suc­ce­e­ded aga­in! This time in the lights of the in Kar­lo­vy Vary Inter­nati­o­nal Film Festival.

The archi­tectu­ral con­cept of the BMW Loun­ge was designed by the Olgoj Chor­choj Stu­dio, 2015 Designer of the Year and recent­ly awar­ded the pres­ti­gi­ous Red Dot Award, in colla­bo­rati­on with the CMC Archi­tects Stu­dio, one of the lar­gest archi­tectu­ral stu­di­os ope­ra­ting in the Czech Repub­lic. The com­bi­nati­on of these top-ran­king archi­tects and designers with exclusi­ve cars and our CITY modu­les and, more­o­ver, in the con­text of such a major cul­tu­ral event as the cate­go­ry A film fes­ti­val in the spa city of Kar­lo­vy Vary, is a sig­ni­fi­cant event for KOMA.

The objecti­ve of the showro­om con­cept was its focus on the futu­re. In the BMW Loun­ge, visi­tors saw for the first time in the Czech Repub­lic the top twel­ve-cylin­der BMW M760Li Indi­vi­du­al, BMW i8 Pro­to­nic Red, BMW M cars, as well as the BMW Con­cept 101 motor­cycle. It can thus be said that the futu­re of modu­lar archi­tectu­re in the form of the CITY modu­les pre­sen­ted the futu­re of the BMW brand. An ide­al combination.

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