First modu­lar low-ener­gy fami­ly hou­se with vapour dif­fusi­on-open walls

13. 12. 2016 | News

In Halu­zi­ce in the area of the Whi­te Car­pathians, we built the first low-ener­gy modu­lar fami­ly hou­se with vapour dif­fusi­on-open walls. The enve­lo­pe of the fami­ly hou­se com­plies with pas­si­ve hou­se para­me­ters, but because the owner pre­ferred direct aerati­on using Car­pathian air for recu­per­a­ti­ve aerati­on, the hou­se is in the low-ener­gy cate­go­ry. The hou­se is equip­ped with other electro­nic gad­gets with the Smart Hou­se label.
