Kin­der­gar­ten in Cabaj Čápor, Slovakia

15. 11. 2016 | News

The respon­si­ble mem­bers of the repre­sen­ta­ti­ve board of the Slo­vak town of Cabaj Čápor sol­ved the lack of spa­ce in at the pre­scho­ol faci­li­ty with the con­structi­on of an extensi­on of the modu­lar kin­der­gar­ten using KOMA modu­les. The com­for­table sin­gle class faci­li­ty pro­vi­des eve­ry­thing that an inves­tor can expect from a kin­der­gar­ten. The KOMA modu­lar sys­tem ful­fils all the hygi­e­ne, ther­mal insu­lati­on, fire pro­tecti­on, sound insu­lati­on and aesthe­tic requi­re­ments accor­ding to the expectati­ons of the inves­tor and rele­vant autho­ri­ties. The kin­der­gar­ten was built by the sis­ter com­pa­ny KOMA Slo­va­kia, which sells and lea­ses KOMA modu­les in Slovakia
