KOMA MODU­LAR at Designblok 2016

14. 11. 2016 | News

KOMA MODU­LAR exhi­bi­ted design modu­les at the selecti­ve event DESIGNBLOK & FASHI­ON WEEK at the Hole­šo­vi­ce Show Grounds in Pra­gue. In three City modu­les, the com­pa­ny pre­sen­ted the rea­li­sati­on of modu­lar buil­dings, inclu­ding the best-known modu­lar structu­re of the pavi­li­on for EXPO 2015 in Milan In the thi­rd City modu­le, the com­pa­ny demon­stra­ted the endless possi­bi­li­ties for the use of the City modu­les for vari­ous pur­po­ses, inclu­ding the suc­cess­ful Ligh­thou­se. The huge inte­rest on the part of the pro­fes­si­o­nal and gene­ral pub­lic con­fir­med that we are moving in the right directi­on and that modu­lar archi­tectu­re has a future.
