Med­lán­ky Lei­su­re Centre

27. 01. 2016 | News

On Janu­a­ry 27, the new modu­lar lei­su­re cen­t­re in Brno’s Med­lán­ky dis­t­rict was inau­gu­ra­ted in the pre­sen­ce of the May­or of Brno-Med­lán­ky, JUDr. Michal Marek. From 4.30 to 7 p.m. a pro­gra­m­me for chil­dren was held, whi­le a com­pe­ti­ti­on for the best name for the cen­t­re is also set to take place.

The lei­su­re cen­t­re, which covers an area of 180 m², was sup­plied by KOMA at the end of 2015. The buil­ding was con­struc­ted using the KOMA modu­lar sys­tem and con­sists of six resi­den­tial modu­les from the Stan­dar­d­Li­ne ran­ge. It is an ener­gy-saving buil­ding bea­ring ener­gy label C“. The whe­el­chair-acces­si­ble modu­lar structu­re is fit­ted with an ele­gant Ther­mowo­od woo­den faca­de, woo­den stai­r­ca­ses and a woo­den per­go­la. Lar­ge win­dows and doors allow for a per­fect­ly lit interior.