Modu­lar faci­li­ties for Ško­da Auto

13. 12. 2016 | News

Ško­da Auto selec­ted our com­pa­ny to build the modu­lar offi­ces for depo D2. The enti­re structu­re con­sists of 14 lar­ge 103m modu­les. The exte­ri­or faça­de con­sists of hori­zon­tal waves and the win­dows are equip­ped with exter­nal lou­vres. The inte­ri­or walls are lined with plas­ter fib­re­bo­ard, and the flo­or is com­bi­ned - car­pets in the offi­ces and tiles in the corri­dors. A hot water hea­ting sys­tem is used and the sof­fit is of a han­ging cas­set­te design.
