Sdílko in Ostrava-Poruba again in connection with CITY modules
29. 09. 2016 | News
The second year of the successful project, which, thanks to modular construction, is making an effort to supplement public spaces and make them special, again used KOMA modules. In six CITY modules, presentations were made by small local entrepreneurs, and the event was also dedicated to the issue of public space.
Sdílko was the brainchild of Ostrava-Poruba Deputy Mayor Zuzana Bajgarová. “Two ideas mainly caught my interest. First, public space and work with public space, and secondly, small entrepreneurs and how to focus attention on them, how to visualise them.”The event took place every day from 24 August to 21 September at the location known as U Floridy. Although people visited the place and sat around, Sdílko showed the huge and unused potential this place offers. There was something to enjoy for guests of all ages. CITY modules again showed that they belong to the city and have huge potential precisely for these short-term events in public space.