Sdíl­ko in Ost­ra­va-Poru­ba aga­in in con­necti­on with CITY modules

29. 09. 2016 | News

The second year of the suc­cess­ful pro­ject, which, thanks to modu­lar con­structi­on, is making an effort to sup­ple­ment pub­lic spa­ces and make them spe­cial, aga­in used KOMA modu­les. In six CITY modu­les, pre­sen­tati­ons were made by small local ent­re­pre­ne­u­rs, and the event was also dedi­ca­ted to the issue of pub­lic space. 

Sdíl­ko was the bra­in­child of Ost­ra­va-Poru­ba Depu­ty May­or Zuza­na Baj­ga­ro­vá. Two ide­as main­ly cau­ght my inte­rest. First, pub­lic spa­ce and work with pub­lic spa­ce, and secon­dly, small ent­re­pre­ne­u­rs and how to focus atten­ti­on on them, how to visu­a­li­se them.”The event took pla­ce eve­ry day from 24 August to 21 Sep­tem­ber at the locati­on known as U Flo­ri­dy. Althou­gh peo­ple visi­ted the pla­ce and sat around, Sdíl­ko showed the huge and unused poten­tial this pla­ce offers. The­re was some­thing to enjoy for guests of all ages. CITY modu­les aga­in showed that they belong to the city and have huge poten­tial pre­ci­se­ly for these short-term events in pub­lic space.