Zlín Design Week intro­du­ces KOMA’s unique CITY modules

09. 06. 2016 | News

The weeklong fes­ti­val at the end of April and the begin­ning of May 2016 was aga­in orga­ni­sed by stu­dents from the Facul­ty of Mul­ti­me­dia Com­mu­ni­cati­ons at Tomáš Baťa Uni­ver­si­ty in Zlín and offe­red a wide ran­ge of events. A num­ber of exhi­bi­ti­ons were pro­gres­si­ve­ly held at six­te­en locati­ons in Zlín, whe­re visi­tors could view pre­sen­tati­ons of dozens of brands. A total of twel­ve inspi­rati­o­nal spe­a­kers spo­ke at the Design & Mar­ke­ting Con­fe­ren­ce, and the Design Talent 2016 pri­zes were awar­ded in five cate­go­ries at the Con­gress Cen­t­re. Five par­ties were also held. KOMA Modu­lar was a gene­ral part­ner for the enti­re fes­ti­val, to which it pro­vi­ded 25 CITY modu­les and the unique two-flo­or Ligh­thou­se structu­re. As a result, ZDW was also high­ly visi­ble in pub­lic space.

CITY modu­les them­sel­ves could be found at three locati­ons, inclu­ding on náměs­tí Míru, whi­le the others were installed on the impres­si­ve grounds of the for­mer Baťa fac­to­ries, spe­ci­fi­cally in front of Buil­ding 64 and in the par­king lot in front of Buil­ding 34, whe­re the unique KOMA Ligh­thou­se was also on display.