Celebrating 25 Years in the Modular Market - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Cele­bra­ting 25 Years in the Modu­lar Market

23. 10. 2017 | News

We cele­bra­ted 25 years in the modu­lar con­structi­on and archi­tectu­re mar­ket. During these 25 years, we went throu­gh vari­ous stages but one thing stands out - the fact that we suc­ce­e­ded in growing the pro­fi­le of modu­lar structu­res to the extent that exists nowa­da­ys is a feather in our cap. They are being set up as scho­ol buil­dings, com­pa­ny headquar­ters and structu­res for under­ta­kings of all kinds. During this peri­od we were honou­red to be awar­ded many dis­tincti­ons; we were Com­pa­ny of the Year, we were reco­gni­zed as an inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­ny seve­ral times in the regi­o­nal Zlin com­pe­ti­ti­on, and we won following awards: Czech Lea­der, Dri­ving For­ce of Czech Busi­ness, Expor­ter of the Year, and Fair Com­pa­ny. All of this could not have been accom­plished without our enti­re sta­ff. And we are deli­gh­ted to have been able to cele­bra­te our suc­ces­ses all toge­ther in the Zlin Con­gress Cen­t­re. Enter­ta­in­ment was in full swing and the orchest­ra and dan­cing per­for­man­ce was pro­vi­ded by Ondřej Havel­ka And His Melo­dy Makers and the Marathonband. For a chan­ge of pace, the KOMA Ama­teur The­a­t­re appea­red to recount vari­ous sto­ries from the his­to­ry of our com­pa­ny in humo­rous skits. We were even able to wit­ness a per­for­man­ce by an his­to­ri­cal dan­ce group, The Cra­zy Flap­pers. The KOMA group demon­stra­ted the­ir soli­da­ri­ty with a haka war dan­ce inspi­red by the New Zea­land Rug­by Team. Eve­ry­thing pro­ce­e­ded in the spi­rit of the nine­te­en thir­ties in tri­bu­te to the model of ent­re­pre­ne­u­ri­a­lism and social con­s­ci­ousness exhi­bi­ted by our com­pa­tri­ot, Tomáš Baťa.
