Czech Tele­vi­si­on Hou­se at the Carl­sbad Film Festival

04. 07. 2017 | News

Czech Tele­vi­si­on cho­se our CITY Modu­les for its CT Hou­se” at the 52nd Annu­al Carl­sbad Film Fes­ti­val. Red modu­les laid on a spe­ci­ally assem­bled ste­el con­structi­on had the­ir pre­mie­re here. The­re was a spa­ci­ous terra­ce atta­ched on the modu­le roof offe­ring CT Hou­se guests a repo­se as well as a nice view of the The­a­ter Squa­re. The CT stu­dio was loca­ted in the mid­dle part the buil­ding, from which announ­ce­ments were issu­ed dai­ly. The­re was a café on the ground flo­or with a con­fecti­o­na­ry, a shop and a cate­ring ser­vi­ce. A podi­um for vari­ous musi­cal per­for­man­ces was situa­ted next to the buil­ding. The buil­ding, as a who­le, gives the impres­si­on that it is levi­ta­ting abo­ve the squa­re. The hou­se was designed by Adéla Bačová.
