Modular Workshops - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Modu­lar Workshops

13. 06. 2017 | News

KOMA Modu­lar intro­du­ced modu­lar workshop buil­dings in coo­pe­rati­on with the com­pa­nies VIVA and Tesco­ma. These modu­les had a suc­cess­ful pre­mie­re at the Zlín Film Fes­ti­val 2017. Our com­pa­ny has reac­ted to the current world trend in popu­lar han­dicraft incu­ba­tors whe­re both chil­dren and adults can expe­ri­en­ce crafts hands-on. In the con­tem­po­ra­ry over­ly digi­ta­li­zed world more and more inte­rest is given to these han­dicraft incu­ba­tors, which have new mobi­li­ty capa­bi­li­ties. The workshops can be ren­ted for spe­cial events such as Chil­dren Days or to sup­ple­ment acti­vi­ty faci­li­ties in reti­re­ment homes.
