Module for Recreation - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Modu­le for Recreation

24. 02. 2017 | News

KOMA MODU­LAR is laun­ching a one-modu­le luxu­ry bun­ga­low onto the mar­ket that is pri­ma­ri­ly inten­ded for recre­ati­on. At the pre­sent time, the demand for luxu­ry inland holi­da­ys is con­stant­ly growing. Our com­pa­ny has deve­lo­ped a luxu­ry modu­le for this pur­po­se. The modu­le casing meets all cri­te­ria of low-ener­gy buil­dings, the roof is pre­pa­red for a Gre­en vari­ant. The modu­le is equip­ped with up-to-date fur­nishings; it is possi­ble to enjoy the win­ter mon­ths using a suspen­ded fur­na­ce. The out­do­or spa­ce can be com­ple­ted with a terra­ce with a per­go­la or a modu­lar swi­m­ming pool, which was suc­cess­fully tes­ted during the EXPO 2015 World Fair in Milan.
